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Cuban Classic Car Persistence Lesson

The Value of Persistence

The power of persistence can never be overemphasized. Persistence is doing what you believe in and sticking to it.  It’s the will and desire to finish the identified goal. An easy example of persistence could be visualized as bird building a nest from natural materials without the luxury of glue and nails. Sometimes the value of persistence is appreciated after witnessing the challenges of others on their road to achievement.

 Cars Defying Odds

My recent trip to the land of my father, Cuba provided an opportunity to support this life lesson. Through persistence, the Cuban Classic cars remain in existence and fully functional. These cars defy all odds of car longevity. Using all the strength in their muscles and immense creativity, the Cuban mechanics work tirelessly to create auto parts by any means possible. There are no retail and online stores available in Cuba  to purchase retired and vintage automobile parts.  The survival of any given Classic Cuban car is the only option.

The Code

Basic life necessities in Cuba are not readily available.  Despite the incessant struggle with scarce resources, Cubans readily share their treasures. It takes both collective effort and persistence to identify solutions for these aging cars. Knowledge is shared to overcome their seemingly impossible barriers to automobile part replacement. The Mindsupport mission has also evolved. It often reflects the physician life, stressed with ongoing compliance requirements, challenges of time and the demand to achieve maximum productivity. Survival in this kind of environment, requires an ongoing need to refocus and realign your lifestyle. While it may seem easier to ignore the obvious truth that implementing change is necessary, the negative consequences of ignoring stress cannot be overemphasized.

Pacing Yourself

My heightened sense of self-awareness from the trip to Cuba emphasized  the importance of persistence in goal achievement.   It reaffirmed the Mindsupport mission to start conversations which highlight  tools to manage stress.  My mantra is simple, PACE YOURSELF. After a little break, the blog is finally back. It was important to take a break when faced with too many demands in life, however, I realized this was not the ideal solution. I hope my followers will be forgiving of this short moment of silence. Like the Cuban mechanics, Mindsupport focused on one objective. It was important to stop multitasking when faced with overwhelming goals and agendas. Stay tuned for the launch of my upcoming  CD, “She is Not Mentally” with activity sheet.  This is a project created to address the barriers of advocates and supporters trying to navigate through the stigma of mental illness. Like the Cuban mechanics of classic cars, persistence allowed these projects to be completed.