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Lavender essential oil European warning of adverse reactions

Lavender essential oil is a very popular tool to reduce stress. Those seeking a natural prescription often seek lavender oil to promote relaxation. It seems unlikely that this flowering plant would be the center of a health debate. Yet the European Chemical Agency (ECHA)is labeling the lavender essential oil as being “maybe harmful if swallowed or inhaled.” Why? What follows is an overview of this European controversy.

Allergies Today

Allergic conditions are on the rise. The Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology estimates 10 to 30% of the population worldwide suffers from allergic rhinitis.  Their 2012 data identifies the population of allergy suffers was 11.5 million.  This growing health concern has identified allergic sensitivity as a major public concern.  The evolution of increased allergens from pollen generating plants, like lavender is a topic of interest for the European Chemical Agency.(ECHA)

How is Lavender Essential Oil Made?

Lavender has a designated scientific name, Lavandula angustifolia.  This plant is cross contaminated or pollinated with Lavandula hydrida from which lavender oil is obtained.

The lavender essential oil manufacturing process requires the incorporation of linalool in its formulation. Manufacturing essential oils with linalool undergo an oxidation process which transforms it into a protein. This end product protein can create an immunological memory in the body rather than being metabolized and eliminated. Exposure over time with continued use of linalool in lavender oil can eventually sensitize the body to its presence and induce an allergic reaction.

Allergic Reactions

The quest to understand the public health problem of the increase in allergic sensitivities is complex. There appear to be numerous factors implicated. Developing countries have been sanitized with a reduction in exposure to healthy bacteria. This lack of exposure foreseeably limits the ability to build immunity. Reduced immunity can theoretically allow one to develop allergies to the substance or be sensitized with repeated exposure through frequent use.  Additional complexities of global warming predict increases in pollen level is on the rise. The solutions to the increase in allergic sensitivities are complex.

Next Stress Reducing Steps

All eyes are on the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) final decision. Will this agency require strict guidance under the European Union with a broad lavender essential oil harmful label? This controversy highlights the misnomer with the label “natural” preventing adverse outcomes.  Lavender essential oil is commonly viewed as a harmless solution which can reduce stress, anxiety, and insomnia.  This health concern may suggest that those who suffer from allergic sensitivities, unexplained rashes, and autoimmune factors seek medical advice from their health provider for their continued lavender oil use. Stay tuned to the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) for their final lavender guidance.