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Are you easily distracted? This problem often results in feeling misunderstood in relationships. Distraction limits the ability to be fully engaged with the needs of others. The following are five simple relationship interventions for those prone to being distracted and inattentive.

Own It

Most people can understand that being distracted can affect the ability to complete assignments and other tasks. After all, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD) is a recognized disability with legal workplace protection. It’s hard to understand the broader meaning of this condition. The inability of the distracted brain to slow down and process the information is the essence of the disability. The stress that it causes on interpersonal relationships is often not identified.


For someone without attention problems, it may be hard to imagine that some people struggle to focus on a task. However, the inability to slow the brain down to focus on one task is the essence of their disability. Unless your partner is familiar with ADHD, your behavior can be seen as selfish or manipulative. It’s essential for a person who struggles with being distracted to communicate their issues to their loved ones.

Discuss Tools

Highly-productive adults who are struggling with distraction have tools to help them  remain focused. It is essential to understand the value of their secrets  to finish tasks. Consider that, when they are faced with a deadline, becoming “hyper-focused” or “zoned in” is a coping mechanism. However, being hyper-focused does not lend to cope well with interruptions.

When feeling overwhelmed and trying to focus, inform others of your need for personal space. Otherwise, you may respond with agitation when interrupted by a simple question. When notified of your status, your partner can respect your need to be alone. They can now ask before they disrupt, or delay the interruption until later. This communication rule allows you to gather your thoughts and communicate more effectively.

Best Time

Correctly timing all communications is essential. The distracted brain is finicky. There are certain times when it is more capable of processing verbal information. When verbal communication is delivered in a rambling or slow manner, a distracted person is likely to zone out.  Long and tedious details can lead to a communication breakdown and agitation. The time of day is critical.  Feeling overwhelmed can limit the ability to focus on a topic required for a stress-free communication. It is best to ask a simple question, such as, “Is this a good time to have a problem-solving conversation?”

Plan Talks

Plan important conversations. Those struggling with being distracted are unable to focus when tired. Brain fatigue can cause a tired person to quickly become frustrated in their attempts to listen and remain attentive.  Sometimes, this frustration shows itself in the form of distracted behaviors. The partner can feel disrespected with conversation interruptions, changing the subject, or minimizing the importance of the verbal dialogue. Moreover, essential discussions should never occur in an overstimulated environment where one could be easily distracted.

Prioritize Plan

Being easily distracted can be an Interpersonal communication nightmare. Unfortunately, the necessary courses of action to address this issue is not a quick fix. Those distracted should prioritize the creation of a plan to sustain their relationships. Both parties must be willing to embrace a brain that is wired differently. Stress-free communications is achievable in supportive relationships.

Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay