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When it comes to achieving goals, how many times have you said these words? “I am done with this.  I quit.” Making change is hard. Trying something new is a risk. Not only do we prefer our familiar patterns, but creating new habits takes effort. We may begin with enthusiasm which is a natural energy booster, but again and again, our efforts to change fail. And each time we try and fail makes it harder to try again. We get discouraged.  We second-guess ourselves. We berate ourselves for each stumble. And all this negative self-talk only gets in the way of our success. All too often, we end up resigning ourselves to the status quo. It’s not so bad, we tell ourselves.  It’s familiar, and it’s easy. I’ve tried to change, and failed. I just can’t do it, we say. So why keep trying?

The answer is that it is worth changing, and that we can make those changes. The difficulty is knowing how to start the process to achieving  goals and objectives.  If you are trying to change a bad habit, like quitting smoking, there are steps you can take to make your success much more likely.

So let’s demystify the process. Admit it and write it down on paper. Fill in the blanks to your situation.  I am done with ________________

Done, over, no more energy wasted. The acceptance of your inability to control the situation starts your new day. No more effort with energy zappers and wasted time thinking about a new plan to change the situation. The second you eliminate what wastes your time and your mental energy is a powerful moment. Congratulations!

There are those who interpret “letting go” as a failure. There is never a failure when, after deliberate analysis, a decision is made and implemented. Failures are the opportunity to acquire knowledge for better informed future decisions.

Fill in the blanks. I am done with ____________________

Admit it! Own it! Commit to both achieving goals and  your decision to stop feeling bad about yourself.  Start now with goal setting strategies to end  emotionally abusive relationships, wasting money with mood retail psychology, unhealthy foods, a life without the benefits of physical exercise, suffering with your moods and chemical  dependency.

goal settingWrite it on a piece of paper. Be conscious of the effort of your hand to form each letter with your handwriting. The strokes of each letter are uplifting and powerful. Look at the paper with your decision decisively, as with the eye of tiger. You own this!

Now take a picture of your decision and place it on your smart phone. Write it on an index card and place it in full view, where you will see it daily. Place it on your bathroom mirror, by the door, on your car visor, etc.

Congratulations! Completing this process allows you to discover a simple strategy to achieve your goal.

I am done with______________ 

Look for your next update in your inbox on Wednesday.  Until then!

Stephanie Durruthy, MD

Please note: This blog is for information and educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice.  If you need treatment advice for medical illness, please seek the help from your health provider.