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Understanding Me Bundle

Living the Myth

Are you a victim of your success?

You tell yourself, “not me”! When feeling overwhelmed, you can readily flip your self-control switch. It is only those “weak personalities” who are unable to manage themselves. One assumes that successful individuals cannot possibly suffer from emotional stress. And you are an achiever! Intellectually, you understand this is a false belief. But it remains a widely held viewpoint that you have the power to control your mind.

Personal achievement can provide a shield that makes it harder for you and others to recognize emotional difficulties.

The misconception that successful women cannot suffer emotional problems is a hurdle. This overvalued idea is a significant barrier to seeking and getting help.

Meanwhile, newly-acquired physical conditions hardly ever become internalized as personal failures. Have you ever heard someone make the following statement, “I am a screw-up for having cholesterol” or “I am such a failure because of this high blood pressure diagnosis?”

Unfortunately, many find themselves unable to seek help due to the stigma associated with emotional difficulties.

How can this be happening to you?

My name is Stephanie Durruthy. As a board-certified psychiatrist, award-winning book author, and a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, my mission is to destigmatize the topic of mental health conditions.

The decision to share with those who care about you should not be so difficult. I’ve created simple tools to help you communicate your need for help. My specialized educational programs provide a more profound awareness for others of your daily challenges. There should be no shame felt in a decision to reach out to others for help.

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“For those that have family members who struggle with mental health issues, Dr. Durruthy explains the symptoms of psychiatric illness in an understandable manner. She provides real life examples of everyday life struggles. As a mental health provider, I would highly recommend this CD to even my own family and friends.”
~Smith, PsyD
“I like the different ways that were applied to understanding and supporting someone with a mental illness.”
~Candice J

The Understanding Me Bundle

Unfortunately, many find themselves unable to seek help due to the stigma associated with emotional difficulties.

I was inspired to create this program after witnessing my patients’ painful struggle to obtain support from friends and family.

Remaining in denial often seems the best option.

The Understanding Me program helps you get the support you need to manage your day-to-day life. The program provides the following:

  • Printable tool to jumpstart conversations
  • Checklist to reduce the situational awkwardness
  • Audio program to demystify mental health
  • Documentation of your daily progress

How could the Understanding Me bundle help me?

First: I Need Your Help checklist is a printable tool to jumpstart an uncomfortable conversation. This downloadable checklist becomes your communication workaround. Use it to reduce the embarrassment and awkwardness that limits your ability to express yourself. It is difficult when feeling overwhelmed to describe your problems that need help. You can print the checklist each day and use it to track your progress easily.

Communication is complex. Emotional conversations are usually tricky. Your supporters also have their coping safeguards to minimize painful emotions experienced by them. My printable tool, “I Need Your Help,” reduces their awkwardness of how to respond to your disclosure.

Second: The audio program, She Is Not Mentally Ill: Tools for Supporters Navigating Stigma, demystifies the topic of mental health. Members of your support system can use this straightforward educational program to deepen their mental health knowledge. It answers the unspoken but uncomfortable questions about your mental wellness.

The audio content discusses a wide range of topics, including common mental health behaviors, exposing the negative image perception, exploring the barriers to wellness acceptance, and discovering non-judgmental communication examples.

There’s no need to struggle emotionally with an inability to communicate your feelings. You now have a simple program at your disposal for everyday use. We offer you a choice of preferred communication formats. Gifting the physical DVD purchase can serve as an ongoing visual reminder of both you and the action call to understand your situation. The download is a quick response in their inbox. The best choice is your decision. But act now to change your direction.

It’s time to end your need to live a secret life and hide your mental health issues.



  • Audio MP3 instant download or physical CD
  • One PDF download



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